City Council
Regular Meeting
June 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Statements of Conflict Link

4. Items from the Public Link

5. Consent Calendar Link

    1. Motion to Waive Readings - All Readings of Ordinances and Resolutions, Except by Title are hereby waived.
    1. Minutes of Jun 4, 2024 6:00 PM Link
    1. Minutes of Jun 4, 2024 7:00 PM Link
    1. Approve City Department Reports for the Month of May 2024 (Community Development, Public Works and Fire.) Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Department Monthly Report Link
    1. Approve City Commission Reports for the Month of May 2024 (Parks Recreation & Beautification Commission.) Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Park, Rec, Beau Monthly Report May 24 Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-34 to Accept grant funds in the amount of $10,000 for the Adventure Pass Program from Parks California, and Authorize the Finance Department to make the necessary budget adjustments. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-34 Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds-Parks California Link
    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-35 Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Finalize, Execute, and Implement a Deferred Improvement Agreement with Property Owner Mohammed S. Altarb, for 314 N. 2nd Street (APN# 131-010-030); and Authorizing the City Clerk to Record the Agreement. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • b. Deferred Improvement Agreement - Ranch Burger 6-10-24 Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-43, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Patterson Adopting the Revised City Council Election District Boundaries to include the Zacharias-Baldwin annexed territory. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-43 Adjusting Election Boundary Map to Include Zacharias-Baldwin Territory Link
    • b. Patterson 2024 Council District Bondaries Link

6. Public Comment/Action Item

    1. Authorize Staff to abate Public Nuisance, by removing Weeds, Dirt, Rubbish, and/or Rank Growth pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 243 and Ordinance No. 704, as defined in Chapter 6.16 of the Patterson Municipal Code-Property Maintenance; Authorize Staff to begin bid process utilizing licensed contractors (Resolution No. 2024-42 Clean-Up Process). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-42 Fire Dept. - Weed Abatement, Clean Up Process Link
    • b. Exhibit A - FD_Council Report June 18 2024 Link

7. Public Hearing

    1. Approve First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 873, Reading by Title only, Waiving Further Reading, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Amending Chapter 3.08, Procurement, of the Patterson Municipal Code, and adopt Resolution No. 2024-40, amending the City of Patterson’s Procurement Policy. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Ordinance No. 873 2024 Procurement Policy Link
    • b. Resolution No. 2024-40 Procurement Policy Link
    • c. 2024 Procurement Policy Link
    • d. Notice of Public Hearing - 2024 Procurement Policy Link
    • e. Chapter 3.8 Procurement Link
    1. Approve Resolution Nos. 2024-35, 2024-36, 2024-37, 2024-38, and 2024-39 Ordering the Levy and Collection of Assessments for the City’s Benefit Assessment Districts (BADs), Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMDs), and CSA No. 15 for Fiscal Year 2024/25. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-36 Patterson LMD Reso Ordering Levy 24-25 Link
    • b. Resolution No. 2024-37 Patterson CSA EngRptApproval 24-25 6-18-24 Link
    • c. Patterson CSA 15 Annual Report 24-25 Link
    • d. Resolution No. 2024-38 Ordering Levy Patterson CSA 24-25 Link
    • e. Resollution No. 2024-39 Patterson BAD Ordering Levy 24-25 6-18-24 Link
    • f. Patterson FY 24-25 BAD Amended and Restated Annual Report (PH) Final Link

8. City Staff Reports

    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-41 continuing the Fiscal Year 2023/24 budget and authorizing the Interim City Manager to make expenditures to meet current financial obligations until the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Fiscal Year Budget is adopted. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-41 Continuing FY 2023-24 Budget until Adoption of FY 2024-2025 Budget Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-27, Dissolving the Senior Center Board of Directors, Rescinding Resolution 2023-07, and directing City staff to prepare the necessary items for the creation of a City-wide Senior Commission in the City of Patterson. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-27 Senior Center Board of Directors Dissolution (CW137976-2) Link

9. City Council Reports

  • A. Appointment/Reappointment of Two (2) Members to the Economic Strategic Commission for the Term of April. 2024-2026
      1. Motion to Appoint/Reappoint Two (2) Members to the Economic Strategic Commission for the Term of April 2024 - 2026 (Mayor Clauzel) Link
  • B. Councilmember Alves
    • Stanislaus Homeless Alliance (Councilmember Roque alternate) Link
    • Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (Councilmember Farinha alternate)
  • C. Councilmember Romero Link
    • Westside Health Care Task Force (Councilmember Alves alternate)
  • D. Councilmember Farinha Link
    • San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Councilmember Romero alternate)
  • E. Mayor Pro Tem Roque
    • (EDAC) Stanislaus County Economic Development Action Committee (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
    • Workforce Development Board (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
  • F. Mayor Clauzel Link
    • Stanislaus County Mayor's Meeting
    • StanCOG (Mayor Pro Tem Roque alternate)
    • League of California Cities (Councilmember Farinha 1st alternate, Councilmember Alves 2nd alternate)

10. Other Matters Link

11. Adjournment Link