City Council
Regular Meeting
August 20, 2024 at 12:00 PM

1. Call to Order

    1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Statements of Conflict

4. Proclamation

    1. Proclamation - National Health Center Week (August 4, 2024 to August 10, 2024) Ms. Yamilet Valladolid (Mayor Clauzel) Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. National Health Center Week 2024 Link

5. Items from the Public

6. Consent Calendar

    1. Motion to Waive Readings - All Readings of Ordinances and Resolutions, Except by Title are hereby waived.
    1. Approve City Department Reports for the Month of July 2024 (Finance, Public Works, Fire and Community Development). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Monthly Report Link
    1. Approve City Commission Reports for the Month of July 2024 (Parks Recreation & Beautification Commission). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. PRBC Monthly Report July 24 Link
    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-47, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Adopting the City of Patterson's Conflict of Interest Code As Is Currently With Minor Changes/Amendments. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. 2024 Local Agency Biennial Notice Link
    1. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 874, reading by title only, waiving further reading, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Adding a New Chapter 2.70, Senior Commission, to Title 2, Administration and Personnel, of the Patterson Municipal Code, to Establish a Senior Commission in the City of Patterson. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Senior Commission Ordinance No. 874 Link
    1. Accept all bids for the Pedestrian Controlled Crosswalk Safety Project, award construction to Zara Construction, Inc., authorize Staff to execute the Contract and authorize the Finance Department to allocate additional funds in the amount of $903,685.00 from Fund 329. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    1. Reject all bids for the Ward Avenue Overlay Ph II Project and direct staff to readvertise at a later date. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    1. Approve the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 10, Patterson Management and Mid-Management Employee Association (PMMEA), Patterson Fire Fighters Association IAFF Local 4577, and the Department Heads and Unrepresented Salary Schedules, Effective July 1, 2024. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. AFSCME Salary Schedule Effective 07.01.2024 FINAL Link
    • b. PMMEA Salary Schedule Effective 07.01.2024 FINAL Link
    • c. IAFF Salary Schedule Effective 07.01.2024 FINAL Link
    • d. DH and Unrep Salary Schedule Effective 07.01.2024 FINAL rev Link

7. Presentation/Action Item

    1. Discussion and Direction for reallocations of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund 103 - American Rescue Relief Fund, including interest earnings not previously allocated, in order to meet obligation deadline of December 31, 2024. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. City of Patterson - ARPA Allocations Link

8. Public Hearing

    1. Approve First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 875, Reading by Title only, Waiving Further Reading, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson revising the maximum height section of Table 18.46.040-1 of the Patterson Municipal Code, “Development Standards for Industrial Districts.” Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Ordinance No. 875 - 2024 Maximum height Link
    • b. 2024 Business Park Max height PC report PDF Link
    • c. 7-25-24 Full PC Agenda 31 Link

9. City Staff Reports

    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-49 adopting General Fund and All Other Funds Budgets for the Fiscal Year 2024-25 and approving the Budget Errata item for a digital budget book estimated to cost $11,000. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-49 Adopting Gen Fund and Other Funds and Appropriations Limit for FY 2024-2025 Link
    • b. Appropriation FY25_ Calc Exhibit A Link
    • c. Appropriation FY25_ Calc Exhibit B Link
    1. Direct City Staff to Obtain Cost Estimates for Design Implementation of the City-wide Wayfinding Program. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. CityOfPatterson_Directionals Link
    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-48 Authorizing a Second Amended Promissory Note Secured by Deed of Trust between borrower Darron Silva (“Silva”) and lender City of Patterson (“City”). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-48 - Green Catalyst Enterprises Second Amended Promissory Note Link
    • b. Darron Silva promissory note Link
    • c. Amortization schedule Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-50 to approve and authorize execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for APN 047-026-026, approximately 18 acres to serve as the future sports complex for the Villages of Patterson Master Plan. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Sports Complex Parcel Acquisition Link
    • b. Resolution No. 2024-50 Purchase Agreement for Villages Sports Complex Parcel Link
    • c. Purchase and Sale Agreement Olive and Sycamore Parcel Link

10. City Council Reports

  • Designation of Voting Delegate and Alternates to League of California Cities Annual Conference
      1. Designate a Primary Voting Delegate, an Alternate Delegate 1 and an Alternate Delegate 2 to the League of California Cities Annual Conference & Expo, October 16 - 18, 2024. Link Link a. Link
  • A. Councilmember Alves
    • Stanislaus Homeless Alliance (Councilmember Roque alternate)
    • Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (Councilmember Farinha alternate)
  • B. Councilmember Romero
    • Westside Health Care Task Force (Councilmember Alves alternate)
  • C. Councilmember Farinha
    • San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Councilmember Romero alternate)
  • D. Mayor Pro Tem Roque
    • (EDAC) Stanislaus County Economic Development Action Committee (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
    • Workforce Development Board (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
  • E. Mayor Clauzel
    • Stanislaus County Mayor's Meeting
    • StanCOG (Mayor Pro Tem Roque alternate)
    • League of California Cities (Councilmember Farinha 1st alternate, Councilmember Alves 2nd alternate)

11. Other Matters

12. Adjournment