City Council
Regular Meeting
September 17, 2024 at 12:00 PM

1. Call to Order

    1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Statements of Conflict

4. Proclamation

    1. Proclamation - National Hispanic Heritage Month (Mayor Clauzel) Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link

5. Items from the Public

6. Consent Calendar

    1. Motion to Waive Readings - All Readings of Ordinances and Resolutions, Except by Title are hereby waived.
    1. Approve City Department Reports for the Month of August 2024 (Public Works, Fire and Community Development). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Monthly Reports August 2024 Link
    1. Approve City Commission Reports for the Month of August 2024 (Parks Recreation & Beautification Commission). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. PRCB Monthly Report - Cancelled Aug 24 Link
    1. Approve Street Closure for Patterson High School Homecoming Parade, Downtown on Friday, October 4, 2024. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Patterson High School Homecoming Parade Completed Application Link
    1. Approve Budget Adjustment of $50,000 to Address the Increased Cost of Biosolids Disposal and authorize staff to negotiate a contract with Synagro for the disposal of remaining biosolids at the WQCF. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    1. Approve Resolution No. 2024-56 for concurrence and support of the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 prepared for the Stanislaus Urban County and Stanislaus HOME Consortium. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-56 for CAPER FY 23-24 Link
    1. Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 876, Reading by Title Only, Waiving Further Reading, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, rezoning APN 131-014-005 107 N. 4th Street. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Ordinance No. 876 REZONE APN 131-014-005 107 N. 4th Street Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-57 to Appropriate $64,440.56 for reimbursement to the Patterson Joint Unified School District for use of the Walnut Grove Community Gymnasium, and Authorize the Finance Department to make the necessary budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2024/25. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-57 Appropriate Funds to Reimburse the Patterson Joint Unified School District Link

7. Public Hearing

    1. Approve the First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 875 revising the maximum height section of Table 18.46.040-1 of the Patterson Municipal Code, “Development Standards for Industrial Districts.” Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Ordinance No. 875 - Revising the maximum height section of Table 18.46.040-1 of the Patterson Municipal Code, “Development Standards for Industrial Districts.” Link
    • b. 2024 Maximum Height 8-20-24 CC report Link
    • c. USGS 7.5-minute image map for Patterson, California Link
    1. Approve First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 877 Reading by Title Only, Waiving Further Reading, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson to approve an Amended and Restated Development Agreement for the “Cali Kosher” cannabis dispensary located at 520 Park Center Drive. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Cali Kosher Site Map Link
    • b. Planning Commission Resolution Link
    • c. Ordinance No. 877 Amended and Restated Development Agreement Green Catalyst Enterprises (Cali Kosher) Link
    • d. Amended and Restated Development Agreement (Green Catalyst Enterprises) Link
    1. (Item Re-Noticed for the October 15, 2024 City Council Meeting) Public Hearing to Approve Resolution Adopting the Nexus Studies and Development Impact Fee Updates for City Hall Facilities, Recreation Facilities, Corporation Yard Facilities, Park Facilities, and Transportation Improvements. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link

8. City Staff Reports

    1. Receive an update on the formation of the Senior Commission and adopt Resolution No. 2024-58, approving the allocation of remaining Senior Fund monies as recommended by the outgoing Senior Center Board of Directors. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-58 regarding Senior Board Funds Link
    • b. Board Expense Report Link
    • c. August Minutes Link

9. City Council Reports

  • A. Councilmember Alves
    • Stanislaus Homeless Alliance (Councilmember Roque alternate)
    • Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (Councilmember Farinha alternate)
  • B. Councilmember Romero
    • Westside Health Care Task Force (Councilmember Alves alternate)
  • C. Councilmember Farinha
    • San Joaquin Valley Special City Selection Committee (Councilmember Romero alternate)
  • D. Mayor Pro Tem Roque
    • (EDAC) Stanislaus County Economic Development Action Committee (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
    • Workforce Development Board (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
  • E. Mayor Clauzel
    • Stanislaus County Mayor's Meeting
    • StanCOG (Mayor Pro Tem Roque alternate)
    • League of California Cities (Councilmember Farinha 1st alternate, Councilmember Alves 2nd alternate)

10. Other Matters

11. Adjournment