City Council
Regular Meeting
October 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM

1. Call to Order

    1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Statements of Conflict

4. Items from the Public

5. Consent Calendar

    1. Motion to Waive Readings - All Readings of Ordinances and Resolutions, Except by Title are hereby waived.
    1. Minutes of Sep 24, 2024 7:00 PM Link
    1. Minutes of Oct 1, 2024 6:00 PM Link
    1. Minutes of Oct 1, 2024 7:00 PM Link
    1. Approve street closure and city sponsorship for Patterson Christmas Festival Events on Saturday, December 7, 2024 and request for support and City funding. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Christmas Festival Application Link
    1. Approve City Department Reports for the Month of September 2024 (Public Works, Community Development and Fire). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Monthly Report Sept 2024 Link
    1. Approve City Commission Reports for the Month of September 2024 (Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission). Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. PRCB Monthly Report - Sep 24 Link

6. Presentation

7. Public Hearing

    1. Adopt the City of Patterson Downtown Master Plan and the corresponding CEQA Addendum to the City of Patterson 2010 General Plan EIR. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Patterson Addendum.9.6.24 Link
    • b. Patterson Downtown Master Plan 2.16.24 with Appendix REDUCED Link
    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-59 Approving Development Impact Fees and Nexus Studies for City Hall, the City’s Corporation Yard, Recreation Facilities, Parks, and Transportation Improvements. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-59 Approving Development Impact Fees and Nexus Studies for City Hall, Corp Yard, Recreation, Parks, and Transportation Improvements Link
    • b. Exhibit "A" - Willdan Study for Development Impact Fee Nexus Report dated September 26, 2024 Link
    • c. Exhibit "B" - Advanced Mobility Group Regional Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Report dated April 17, 2024 Link

8. City Staff Reports

    1. Adopt Resolution No. 2024-55 of the City Council of the City of Patterson, approving the Agreement between the City of Patterson (“City”) and Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department (“County”) for the provision of the law enforcement services within the City’s boundaries, effective from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and any necessary amendments. Link
    • Staff Report Printout Link
    • a. Resolution No. 2024-55 - Law Enforcement Services Base Agreement (CW140187-2) Link
    • b. Patterson Law Enforcement Contract 2024 signatures Link
    • c. PPS Budget FY2025 with Long Range Model Exhibit B Link

9. City Council Reports

  • A. Appointment of Five (5) Members to the Senior Commission. Two members to Serve a 1-Year Term (2024-2025) Three (3) members to Serve a 2-Year Term (2024-2026).
      1. Motion to appoint two (2) members to the Senior Commission for the 2024-2025 term and three (3) members for the 2024-2026 term (Mayor Clauzel). Link Link a. Link
  • B. Councilmember Alves
    • Stanislaus Homeless Alliance (Councilmember Roque alternate)
    • Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (Councilmember Farinha alternate)
  • C. Councilmember Romero
    • Westside Health Care Task Force (Councilmember Alves alternate)
  • D. Councilmember Farinha
    • San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Councilmember Romero alternate)
  • E. Mayor Pro Tem Roque
    • (EDAC) Stanislaus County Economic Development Action Committee (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
    • Workforce Development Board (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
  • F. Mayor Clauzel
    • Stanislaus County Mayor's Meeting
    • StanCOG (Mayor Pro Tem Roque alternate)
    • League of California Cities (Councilmember Farinha 1st alternate, Councilmember Alves 2nd alternate)

10. Other Matters

11. Adjournment