1. Call to Order
- Roll Call Link
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Statements of Conflict Link
4. Items from the Public Link
5. Certificate of Appreciation - Legacy Health ( Mayor Clauzel) Link
6. Consent Calendar Link
- Motion to Waive Readings - All Readings of Ordinances and Resolutions, Except by Title are hereby waived.
- Minutes of Nov 12, 2024 6:00 PM Link
- Approve the Recommended Salary Adjustment for the Water Operator Classification Series and the Corresponding American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 10 Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2024, Revised as of November 1, 2024. Link
- Approve the Part-Time Salary Schedule Effective January 1, 2025. Link
- Approve $10,000 grant to the nonprofit organization Love Patterson to fund a mural project on Las Palmas Avenue. This funding would supplement an existing allocation of $10,000 in ARPA funds for a mural on El Circulo Circle, which was previously approved by Council. Together, these murals will enhance the visual appeal of key locations in Patterson and align with ARPA objectives for community beautification and economic revitalization. Link
- Staff Report Printout Link
- 2024 Flood Insurance Coverage Assessment (FIA) for City of Patterson Link
- Staff Report Printout Link
- Approve Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 878, Reading by Title only, Waiving Further Reading, an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Amending Chapter 16.44 of the Patterson Municipal Code (Dedication-Park and Recreation) to Update the City’s Quimby Ordinance. Link
- Approve Resolution No. 2024-69 of the City Council of the City of Patterson Declaring Intention to Reimburse Expenditures Relating to the WWTP Expansion Phase III Project from the Proceeds of Tax-Exempt Obligations. Link
7. Presentation/Action Item
- Adopt the final conceptual design layout for the Centennial Park Project. Link
8. Public Hearing
- Approve the First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 875 revising the maximum height section of Table 18.46.040-1 of the Patterson Municipal Code, “Development Standards for Industrial Districts.” Link
- Approve First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 879, Reading by Title Only, Waiving Further Reading, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Adding Chapter 9.50, Camping Within City Limits, To Title 9, Public Peace, Morals and Welfare; Amending Chapter 12.24, Park Regulations, of Title 12, Streets and Other Public Places; Amending Section 6.12.030, Depositing or Burying of Garbage Prohibited – Exceptions, of Chapter 6.12, Garbage Removal, of Title 6, Health and Safety; and Amending Section 9.43,040 Abatement, of Chapter 9.43, Health and Hygiene, of Title 9, Peace, Morals and Welfare of the Patterson Municipal Code. Link
- Approve First Reading and Introduction of Ordinance No. 880, Reading by Title Only, Waiving Further Reading, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Adding Chapter 9.54, Protection of Critical Infrastructure, To Title 9, Public Peace, Morals and Welfare, of the Patterson Municipal Code. Link
9. City Staff Reports
- Approve Resolution No. 2024-68 to Appoint Interim City Manager Fernando Ulloa as City Manager for a three (3) year term and authorize implementation of acting pay of five percent (5%) for the interim role. Link
- Adopt Resolution No. 2024-70 A Resolution of the City Council of the Patterson City Council adopting the City Council rules and procedures handbook. The Handbook outlines standardized procedures for the efficient conduct of City Council meetings, establishes clear guidelines for Councilmember behavior, and ensures consistency and transparency in the decision-making process. Link
10. City Council Reports
- A. Councilmember Alves Link
- Stanislaus Homeless Alliance (Councilmember Roque alternate)
- Stanislaus County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (Councilmember Farinha alternate)
- B. Councilmember Romero Link
- Westside Health Care Task Force (Councilmember Alves alternate)
- C. Councilmember Farinha Link
- San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Councilmember Romero alternate)
- D. Mayor Pro Tem Roque
- (EDAC) Stanislaus County Economic Development Action Committee (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
- Workforce Development Board (Mayor Clauzel alternate)
- E. Mayor Clauzel